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Disclose as a company

Find out more about participating the WDI as a company to demonstrate your leadership in transparency and your commitment to providing good jobs.

disclose as a company

Sustainable Development Goal 8 calls for ‘decent work for all’ by 2030. With millions of workers across their operations and supply chains, multinational companies have a vital part to play in achieving this goal, and there are growing calls for them to take action.

Transparency is key. By reporting through the Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI), companies can get ahead of the curve by demonstrating to their investors, clients and other stakeholders that they are effectively managing their staff and supply chain workers. In 2024, 144 global companies took part in the Initiative, demonstrating their commitment to transparency.

Why disclose to the WDI


Showcase how you are managing your workforce to investors via a single, easy-to-use reporting platform;


Demonstrate your leadership on workforce issues to a range of stakeholders, including civil society, governments and regulators;


Demonstrate that workers’ rights are at the centre of your business, and attract new potential employees and customers;


Receive a tailored Disclosure Scorecard which allows you to benchmark yourself against your peers;


Participate in a series of year-round workshops and webinars covering key workforce issues, featuring investors, trade unions and subject matter experts;


Link up teams internally, stimulating detailed and constructive conversations on workforce topics within your organisation;


Build resilience and increase profitability by using the data collected to improve workforce conditions across your business.

ESG investing has gone mainstream. Investor appetite for ESG data is growing, and for social data in particular. We want to access reliable, relevant and comparable data on companies’ workforce, their suppliers and sub-contractors, and the WDI offers a great opportunity for us to access this data.
sophie deleuze
Sophie Deleuze
Senior SRI Analyst, Engagement Specialist, Candriam

WDI Survey 2025

You can download an Excel spreadsheet of the 2025 survey questions for your reference below. All responses need to be submitted via the Nossa Data platform here. If you have any questions, please email wdi@thomsonreuters.com.

Key dates to consider

The disclosure window dates are different from our traditional ones to avoid reporting teams facing undue reporting burdens from different disclosure platforms.

7 July 2025

Reporting season begins and the Nossa Data online reporting platform opens for submissions

31 October 2025

Deadline for all 2025 submissions

mid-January 2026

2025 Disclosure Scorecards released

Support materials

Below we have a number of resources to make your disclosure journey simple but if you need any help with any aspect, please get in the touch with the team: wdi@thomsonreuters.com.

Thematic briefings

We’re doing a series of deep dives into a number of key topics which should be considered by any responsible company.

Download the 2024 data

In 2024, the WDI welcomed submissions from 144 companies from 25 countries. For the eighth year in a row, we saw 11 sectors report to the WDI. Submissions covered over 8 million people employed in companies’ direct operations and many more in supply chains.

Requested companies 2017-2024

Below is a dynamic list of all the companies that WDI investor signatories have requested to take part in the project, each year from 2017 with their corresponding response status. Companies are selected based on a combination of:

  • Market capitalisation
  • Significance of the company (in terms of sector, local market and scale)
  • As well as those of specific interest to the WDI investor group

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