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Workforce Disclosure Initiative

Improving data on how companies manage workers across their operations and supply chains.

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The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) is one of the world’s leading programmes aimed at improving corporate transparency and accountability on workforce issues, providing companies and investors with comprehensive and comparable data and helping increase the provision of good jobs worldwide.

Through the programme’s annual survey and engagement, we collect and process data that companies voluntarily disclose on workforce practices across their operations and supply chains. We then share this information with our signatory investors, to inform their analysis, stewardship and decision making. We also share practical insights on how to address pressing workforce issues.

Around 140 of the world’s largest companies disclose their data, while our investor coalition is made up of around 35 institutions that collectively manage $7.5 trillion in assets.

Ways to get involved in the WDI

Disclose as a company

Find out more about participating the WDI as a company to demonstrate your leadership in transparency and your commitment to providing good jobs.


Join the coalition of leading investors that is pushing companies to become pioneers in corporate transparency and responsible workforce management.

  • Why does workforce reporting matter?​

    At a time of rapid change in the labour market, stark social and economic inequalities and growing distrust in the corporate sector, investors, regulators and consumers alike are calling for greater transparency. Workforce disclosure – or reporting – offers companies a way to hold a mirror to their own activities, ensure their policies and practices are aligned with international standards, and demonstrate publicly that their workforce practices are delivering for both the company and its workers.

  • Why the Workforce Disclosure Initiative?

    Designed with the input of investors, companies, trade unions and subject matter experts, the WDI survey has been designed to gather information on the issues most crucial to decent work and human rights in the workplace. It is aligned with other frameworks such the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To date, companies disclosing data to the WDI have provided evidence of efforts to improve health and safety standards, policies and practices related to employee wellbeing and human rights, and actions related to supply chain management.

Powered by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the WDI survey is a comprehensive and comparable reporting system that feeds into environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting regulations.

The WDI is the high-water mark in terms of social-related disclosures. No other framework would capture the issues that they are looking at now (modern slavery; specifically migrant worker document withholding). It is designed with investors and companies in mind and is accessible.
corey klemmer
Corey Klemmer
Director of Corporate Engagement, Domini Impact Investments

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